Aoi Yuu. Aoi freakin' Yuu. Playing Megumi. This definitely needs to be seen.

My excitement springs from the fact that Aoi Yuu is one of my favourite Japanese film actresses.
You don't have to take my word for it; check out that list of credits and awards. She's the biggest name on the cast list so far.
My only (very minor) cause for reservation is that I think she looks a little too, well, girlish to play the Kenshingumi's resident Fox Lady (Megumi's maturity is supposed to make her contrast against the younger Kaoru). Might not work too well if she doesn't look any older than Kaoru's actress (Takei Emi). But it's not much of an issue. I have faith that Aoi is more than talented enough to pull it off.
Oh yeah, they've cast Sanosuke too. Someone I don't know

The article lists roles in Kamen Rider Den-O and Beck, among others; he's not an unknown, at least. I think he really looks the part though. He just needs a lot of hair gel. Or a spiky-haired wig.
They've also cast a Tanaka Taketo for the role of Yahiko. Apart from the fact that he's 11 years old, there's not much info on him.
I'm still trying to temper my hopes, but right now this live-action project is looking pretty good. I'm mostly worried about how loyal the characters will stay to their manga counterparts. I can accept changes to the plot, but please, please don't ruin the characters.