Madoka characters cosplaying Kalafina
I love it when my favourite things cross over. Way to draw in the fanboys (and fangirls), Sony.
As a user on cante-per-me.net's forums pointed out to me, they're wearing the same dresses Kalafina are wearing on After Eden's cover. I can't believe I managed to miss that -_-;; Homura's dressed as Keiko, Mami as Wakana, and Madoka as Hikaru. If I had to match each Kalafina member to a Madoka character that most resembled them I'd have come up with the same result.
I want...
In other news, I've managed to convince myself that the Rurouni Kenshin Kyoto arc remake OVA is a prelude to an animated version of the Jinchuu arc, and not the end of it (I may write up an entry explaining why, if I feel like it). Also, seeing (hearing?) the old anime voice acting cast again is something I'm anticipating. To celebrate, here is Kenshin's seiyuu, Suzukaze Mayo, in a video from her days as a gender-bending Takarazuka otokoyaku (male-role actress), singing about how her name is Oscar:
As of sometime in the 2000s, she still sounds pretty good:
Or maybe I just wanted to post some Takarazuka. What? It's awesome.