ED art for episode 9 on the BD. The full version makes a great wallpaper, by the way. You're welcome.
More fuel for Kyoko X Sayaka shipping -- although that ship was already pretty well on its journey. It's a nice song, certainly (both seiyuu are decent enough singers, and sound particularly good together) and the KyoSaya element just adds to its appeal. Those lyrics...
You know...while I'm pretty sure that the sentiments in the lyrics reflect Kyoko's feelings towards Sayaka, it may be possible -- heck, more likely, even -- that on Sayaka's part the sentiments aren't directed to Kyoko but some dude with a viol-- you know what I'll just shut up. KyokoSayaka, woo.
The Drama CD Farewell Story, which came with BD #5, is also something you should pay attention to if you're a fan. If you can't find somewhere to listen to it there's a translation available for your perusal. It details Kyoko's backstory; more specifically, Mami's involvement in it. More fascinating relationship dynamics; my love for Madoka just keeps growing...