Seiyuu and singer Sakamoto Maaya married fellow seiyuu (and also decent singer) Suzumura Kenichi on Monday, August 8, presumably setting off an explosion of squeeing from seiyuu fans as well as those who ship characters played by Sakamoto-san and Suzumura-san. So, according to a bunch of people...

"OMG RL Zack and Aerith wedding!!"

"OMG RL Haruhi and Hikaru wedding!"

"OMG RL Shiki and Kokutou wedding!"
I may be in one or more of these groups of people. Just saying.
Sakamoto's official page and Suzumura's blog both carry this announcement, so unless they're pulling an epic prank this is as about as legit as it gets.
When I first read this I just went WHAT???!!! They'd been in a relationship? Granted, I'm not very up-to-date (or terribly interested) is any seiyuu's private lives but these two are pretty big. I would have thought we'd have gotten more hints of this first. It would have already been exciting news if either one announced that they'd gotten married, but to have wed each other is just...wow. Beyond huge. So huge it just broke the part of my mind where my vocabulary is. HUUUGE.
Well, it's not like my surprise matters anyway. But I'm a fan of both seiyuu and I think it's cool that they've found happiness with each other. May the two of them enjoy a great married life.
On another note, Hirano Aya's agency confirmed that she'll be leaving them by 20 August. That one's not such a surprise, but you have to wonder what's next for her. What about her role on Fairy Tail? Will they have to find a new seiyuu for Suzumiya Haruhi (I'm assuming this series isn't done with)? I think she's too big to disappear from the anime world just like that but I guess we'll see.