I'm mostly extremely relieved that she's not a member of AKB48. I don't think I could have taken this adaptation seriously if she was.
She's 17, like Kaoru would be in the manga. I was actually expecting them to cast someone older, but hey, she might actually be able to pull it off. She seems to have quite a bit of experience under her belt (some prominent J-drama roles and Liar Game 2? Not bad). A quick YouTube search turns up quite a number of CM starring her -- she's quite an idol, it seems.
I asked the foremost authority on J-drama readily available to me (my little sister) how she was in Taisetsu na Koto wa Subete Kimi ga Oshiete Kureta and she said, "Yeah, she's okay." And that's pretty much all I have to go on. I would have asked the kid if Takei could pull of 'tsundere' but she doesn't know what that means...
As for how well her looks match up to the character.

Pretty (but for better or worse that's pretty much expected these days, right?). Looks good in a ponytail. I just hope her acting measures up.
For a better comparison...

You know, I really think this could work.
And if you, like me, want to know what she sounds like (I was wondering how well she could yell) here's a small acting sample and a video of her working the Wii...