According to an official announcement,
Kalafina's third album will be called After Eden. Sounds...meh. Not terrible, I guess. I can't say the title matters much to me, though, just give me that awesome music. It's being assumed that the A-sides of their last couple of singles (
Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa and
Magia) to be on the album, along with
symphonia, and I'm hoping the rest of it will be made up entirely of new songs rather than B-sides. Not that the B-sides suck, but, come on, more new stuff please?
The Limited Edition of the album comes with the PV for
symphonia -- I hope that's not the
only bonus on the DVD.
I'd still totally pay for the LE though...What interests me more is the release date: 21st September. Two months. I can wait that long. I think. I need time to save up anyway...And there's the
Madoka OST II to tide me over...Gah. Two days more for that one.