So it's confirmed -- despite all those rumours that emerged from God-knows-where Anime Festival Asia will still be held in Singapore this year. And they picked a gimmicky date for it too -- 11/11/11, giving rise the usual complaints about how it clashes with exam periods (I used to have that problem too -- another reason to be glad I've graduated).
Somehow the idea that AFA's location might be changed to Kuala Lumpur or another Southeast Asian city seemed especially prevalent this year. I guess people just thought a change might be due because AFA's been taking place in Singapore for the past 3 years. I doubt a location change will happen anytime soon. For one, the organizers, SOZO, appear to be Singapore-based. Plus, the local infrastructure and fan following are pretty supportive of this kind of event...It is still nice to have confirmation, though. Sorry, Malaysian/Indonesian/other Southeast Asian anime fans, looks like you guys will have to drag your butts over here again.
Eagerly waiting for announcements on the guest line-up. That info will probably take a while to come though.
On the J-rock front it seems that the band Vivid will be performing at the Sundown Festival on November 26th.

Not a lot of other info -- the Sundown Festival's page just links to their Facebook page, which doesn't seem to say much either. Too bad I'm not actually a fan.