I've always thought that Kajiura (and whoever else was responsible for their image) took some cues from Visual Kei when creating the Kalafina project, consciously or otherwise. The dramatic nature of their songs was no more than what I had expected from Kajiura, but the elaborate costumes...I doubt this would be a popular theory (so many VK haters these days) and it doesn't really matter anyway. But it's just what I feel.
Anyway, when the 40-second preview for Magia PV came out, one of the first things I thought was "Visual Rock Kalafina!!!!111!!"
But after the full PV hit YouTube, and the focus on Hikaru became more apparent, another image began to take form in my mind. A commanding Hikaru with her smoldering gaze, in the forefront, flanked by the other two --

Dominatrix queen Hikaru and her handmaidens.
I know, I know, me and my crazy ideas.
I really liked Hikaru in this vid. She usually comes across more as 'cute', but here, between the costume and that attitude, she's definitely more of 'hawt'.

Now this is potential fetish fuel. Wakana X Hikaru anyone? From one of the bonus postcards that come with the single
Everyone's looking good in that new look...

I like the bling in the wig
Like a lot people I loved the lifeless shots of Hikaru, although I'm not sure if they fit the PV

Not so crazy about the overlaying with the chandelier room, though, but they were something different

Those scenes in the mirror room were great. Even if Keiko did get shafted to the back (well, she usually gets too much attention anyway). Maybe it was the realization that what's on camera is not the ladies themselves, but their mirror images. It just seemed really well done

Look, it's just us standing around as usual...

But no! We're really just reflections!

I need to angst about this!

Oh look Keiko gets one too
Although I giggled at Hikaru's "I'm-dramatically-walking-towards-the-mirror!" moment.

Wakana has the least to sing between the three of them, and seems to have taken some lessons from Hikaru's School of Brooding Stares into the Distance and Epic Hand Gestures When You Don't Have Any Lines To Sing. I don't think she usually moves this much in PVs, right? But check her out:

That's just kind of LOL. Good try though, Wakana
The PV was a bit of a letdown at the instrumental -- I thought it should have been more dynamic, with the drum and guitar and the violins going crazy. But overall I enjoyed it.
The song itself...somehow, between Madoka and the crazy number of repeats of the live performance, I'm still not sick of the song. It's every bit as good as I expected -- wonderfully epic and dark throughout, while still managing to be emotional and stirring. This is one of those songs that makes me want to jump to my feet and go and achieve some great feat while angsting about it throughout and -- what, you've never had that feeling before? Anyways, Magia started out a powerful, kicked up a notch after the first chorus, with a rocking instrumental after the second chorus, and then slows down for Keiko's lovely turn at the drum-heavy bridge before a strong finish. And great use of bells -- Kajiura's always pretty good with that.
And Hikaru deserves credit for a great performance here. The lady's on fire.
You wrote a very enjoyable review. I too have more or less been repeating this song throughout the few weeks since I downloaded the RisuAni performance from YouTube.
I was only a so-so fan of Kalafina before. This song has made me into someone a bit more on the obsessive side.
Thank you for reading, I'm glad you enjoyed it ^_^
I've been obsessed with Kalafina since the beginning, and it's always nice to see new converts XD. I hope they continue to impress you.
uno de mis temas favoritos es "oblivious"