Oh look it's something actually related to the blog's title!
I've been listening to a lot of Kalafina and Kajiura lately (well, more so than usual). But sometimes I set my iTunes on shuffle and get reminders of how there's actually a whole bunch of other music that I adore
Like old school Visual Kei. Oh how I adore old school Visual Kei.
Gram∞Maria seem pretty obscure even by indie VK standards...I think I picked this song up at an MP3 rotation. It's so deliciously OTT.
Now here's something even more obscure - 80's Japanese progressive rock:
I found this song completely by accident on YouTube -- I was actually looking for another Japanese song called Leanhaun Shee. I was so fascinated by this song I went and to look for a copy of their album(apparently they still have quite a number of fans).
I don't think a lot of people will share my taste in music. But I don't think it matters either. The important this, I love what I'm listening to.