Madoka's OST 2 (oh please, please let Oktavia's theme be on it), a new FictionJunction single, Kalafina's 3rd album...It's a great (but expensive) year to be a Kajiura Yuki fan.
FJ's coming out with another song for the PSP game Senritsu no Stratos. Never heard of it, but it looks pretty good for a handheld game. Explosive battles + romantic subplot (or just plot?) is a pretty good formula for reeling me in. Not that I own a PSP...Anyway, eternal blue will be the game's OP (no word about a single release yet though).
It's pretty much a paint-by-numbers FictionJunction song, but...I like it. A lot. The melody of the chorus is wonderful, and the vocal work sounds really lovely. T don't think 'sublime' would be an exaggeration. Wonder when we'll get to hear the full song though.
Also, I embedded my re-upload of my Madoka AMV a few entries down, along with a mini-rant. I hope it doesn't get taken down again...