Anime Festival Asia's 2013 events

After making some teasing posts on their Facebook page, the organisers of Anime Festival Asia (AFA) have announced some details for this year's upcoming AFA events. The second AFA Indonesia (AFAID) will be taking place on 6-8 September at the Jakarta Convention Center, while the sixth installment of Singapore's annual AFA event, AFA 13, will be held at the Suntec International Convention and Exhibition Centre on 8-10 November. An AFA Malaysia (AFAMY) event has also been mentioned in the announcement, but there no further details are available just yet. This would be the second AFA event for Malaysia.

Nice to see that AFA is continuing to hold events outside of Singapore.

It's also interesting to note that AFA Singapore will be going back to taking place at Suntec (AFA 12 was at Singapore EXPO). This is very welcome news for me, as EXPO was in the east of Singapore, while I live in the west of the country; Suntec is in a more central location, and a lot faster to get to. Dragging myself out of bed very early in the morning to make it in time for the 9 am screenings of the Madoka Magica movies at last year's AFA was kind of a pain...

I'm very much looking forward to seeing the list of guests that will be making an appearance. I hope they release those details very soon. It's no secret as to whom I'm most hoping to see again...Ka-la-fi-na!

Sources: AFA official site, AFA Channel


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