Guess buying that Magia single will have to wait a while. Well, it's not out for a couple of weeks, anyway. I'm planning on raving about it after its release. For now, I'm enjoying the PV preview and the TV-size ED for Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. Now that's a show is going to get its own raving, gushing entry...
And there's still plenty of Kalafina to be enjoyed, regardless of whether you have to cash to blow (well, at least until Youtube decides to delete it). I nearly went crazy trying to find some way to watch this after it aired in Japan, especially after hearing that Kalafina would be covering a certain Gundam SEED theme... But finally, clips of Animax Musix Fall 2010 have hit Youtube, after an eon (okay, more like 8 days) after the airing date.
As biased as I am towards them, I have to admit that Kalafina has a history of not doing so well for non-oneman lives. Although it's a bit unfair to say they suck live -- I mean, it's quite a stretch to expect them to sound as perfect live as they do on recordings. This time round, though, the performance was mind-blowingly awesome. You could attribute that to post-production wizardry (it probably helped, to some degree) , but I prefer to think the credit's due to a combination of them making use of ear monitors for the first time (have they been sticking with those?) and the ladies just finally getting the hang of it.
Watched three clips so far. There was Hikari no Senritsu. Wasn't particularly excited over this one, since there's already been a few recordings of them performing it, but I think this may be their best rendition of it so far. Hikaru sounds steadier on the opening verse than usual -- that's usually the weakest part of the song in lives. As for Keiko and Wakana, well, as far as I'm concerned, they were as close to perfect as they could get.
I'm also really liking Hikaru's falsetto range -- it was a lovely touch at the chorus.

I'm also still coveting Hikaru's dress

And Wakana's gloves

And here is a picture of Keiko, who never needs a reason to have me post her picture
The performance with ELISA took me by surprise. I didn't expect them to be able to work so well together. Lovely, lovely stuff. Kalafina's part in the opening was particularly beautiful.
And then there was the big one. The one that gave me a fangasm when Kalafina's set list was announced. I believe I may have yelled out a praise to God when I found the video for it.
Kalafina doing See-Saw *nosebleeds* I adore See-Saw, probably more than Kalafina. Seeing two of my favourite bands crossover was just blew my mind into infinitesimal fragments. I think I'm still gathering up the pieces.
And they did an amazing job of it too. While I think Chiaki Ishikawa's vocal range alone rivals that of all three Kalafina's members put together (not that Kalafina are lacking, Chiaki is just that impressive), they still managed to pull the song off very well, in their own way. Hikaru's voice was very strong here (singing in a lower register might have helped... but a brilliant performance nonetheless) And that new bridge was a great touch (courtesy of Kajiura-san, I presume), it made the performance a laudable one on its own right rather than simply a rehash of an already lovely song.
I think there's a performance of Oblivious too, right? But it's fine if I don't get to see that. I'm pretty happy enough as it is.